Mill Woods Seniors Association Board of Directors
MWSA BOARD OVERVIEW (Click on link for more information)
What it is like to be on the MWSA Board of Directors (Watch the YouTube video to find out!)
2023-2024 Mill Woods Seniors Association Board of Directors
Sushila was formerly employed in Education Programs at the Canadian and later the Alberta Human Rights Commission. She started and managed Samy Consulting, a human resource consulting business, specializing in human rights, diversity, and equity. She holds a Certified Human Resources Professional designation, as well as a degree in political science and economics. Her areas of interest include seniors, newcomer seniors and isolation, and overcoming systemic barriers faced by seniors. Sushila currently volunteers with the Seniors United Now (SUN) Steering Committee in the South Edmonton Chapter, and as a board member with Edmonton Seniors’ Coordinating Council (ESCC). She has also served on several provincial and municipal committees and boards. |
Debbie Steadward has always been passionate about volunteering. She has been secretary and president of the Paralympics Sports Association, board chair and president of the Mill Woods Society of Community Living, a non-profit organization that supports and advocates for individuals with multiple disabilities in their home and their community; and secretary of Friends of Rosecrest. Debbie has 45+ years working in and advocating for individuals in acute and long term care facilities. Shei s looking forward to bringing her expertise to the MWSA board, as well as assisting with enhancing programs and services for seniors. |
Brian has been living in Edmonton since 1980. He attended Queen Elizabeth Composite High School and MacEwan Univeristy (Accounting & Strategic Measurement Program). His work experience includes: four years of military service and over ten years at Canada Bread, an industrial bakery, and over 15 years at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). When he is not working, he enjoys playing music with MWSA's Jammers, and dines for lunch a couple times a month at the 2nd Floor Cafe. He is also a fan of MWSA's Heat2Eat Frozen meals. He looks forward to participating in more events at the centre, work schedule permitting. |
Stacey has lived in Mill Woods since 1988, raising 3 daughters. She retired from the federal government in 2016, and promptly registered as a member at MWSA. Stacey has been actively volunteering with MWSA since 2017 with roles in the MWSA office doing admin work, the Knitting Club, MWSA Market, and during the annual Craft and Rummage Sales. |
Ratna holds a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Economics, Political Science, and Public Administration. She also holds an Accounting Diploma and is certified as a Systems analyst from NAIT. Her work experience of 35 years includes 27 years with the Legal Aid Society of Alberta in their Information Technology department as a Manager-system Analyst.
Ratna has been volunteering since she was 12 years old. Currently, Ratna is Vice-Chair of the Edmonton Seniors Coordinate counsel board (ESCC), the Board of directors of the South East Edmonton Seniors Association (SEESA – completing the term end of March 2021). The Age-Friendly Edmonton (AFE) – is a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Hub and, is on the board of directors of the Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society (AAMS).
More recently she served on the Board of the ICWA as Director and as two-term President, Ambassador for the Age of Wisdom Project. 4 years on Mill Woods Seniors Association (MWSA), two years of which as the Board Secretary also served on the Council of India Societies of Edmonton for 8 years.
She dedicates her time and enjoys working with seniors, and with women who are experiencing domestic violence, especially with newcomers. Awareness is critical and must work on reaching as many seniors as possible and always looking for gaps in the system so that we can provide better services to make seniors' life comfortable in every area. She is a project-oriented person, not just a planner but a doer to make sure the job gets done. |
MERLE LINTON | Merle came from Trinidad and Tobago in 1972 and has lived in Mill Woods for over 40 years. Worked with the Provincial Government for over 40 years with a background in finance, accounts payable, and accounts receivable Volunteers for the MS Society, Edmonton Food Bank, Santa Anonymous, and Coats for Kids. Current Member at Large of the Human Resources Committee As a new Board Member at MWSA, she looks forward to learning from the current board members and contributing as well. |
Barb Ward is a retired Federal Government employee who enjoys volunteering – that is how you get to experience doing things you like! When her children were younger she volunteered with the community events they were involved with. She has lived in Mill Woods since 1987 and participated in different roles for different causes. She volunteers for MWSA most recently as a member of the Gala committee and at special events. As an MWSA Board Member, she hopes to ensure the centre continues improvement on programs and services for all members and social needs. |
Desh has been a Director, Treasurer, and President of the Mill Woods Seniors Association. Other board governance experience includes; two years as President of the Hindu Society of the Peace Region and East Indian Cultural Society of G.P; Several Years as Founder Member and President of the Paleontological Society of the Peace Region. He has a Master’s degree in Physics, a Ph. D in Geology, and worked as an instructor of Physics and Geology at Grande Prairie Regional College for 30 years. Desh continues to volunteer in the community; for reforms, education, explorations, and cultural activities; and at the front desk for MWSA. |